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answer:六、总结与展望1. 总结本论文针对高校餐饮的需求,设计并实现了一个基于微信小程序的高校智能餐饮系统。整个系统由微信小程序端、后端服务端、后台管理系统三部分组成,涵盖了用户点餐、查看订单、支付等基本功能,同时为管理者提供了方便的后台管理界面。在系统实现过程中,我们采用了微信小程序作为前端框架,结合SpringBoot框架提供的后端服务,使得整个系统具有较高的易用性、稳定性和可维护性。从用户体验、数据管理和业务逻辑处理等方面,本系统都有较好的表现和高效的功能实现。2. 展望本系统虽然在功能和性能上已经具备一定的实用性,但仍有不少改进和优化的空间。在未来的工作中,我们计划从以下几个方面对系统进行进一步完善:(1)增强用户体验:通过不断优化界面设计、交互过程,以及提供更多个性化设置,以满足更广泛的用户需求。(2)拓展功能模块:可以考虑加入会员制度、积分兑换、优惠券等功能,增强用户粘性和活跃度。(3)引入智能推荐:通过分析用户历史订单数据,为用户提供个性化的菜品推荐,提高用户的点餐体验。(4)实现数据挖掘和分析:利用大数据和数据挖掘技术,对系统内的数据进行深入挖掘和分析,为管理者提供更有价值的决策支持与优化建议。(5)保障数据安全:加强用户隐私保护,防止非法入侵,确保用户信息和系统数据的安全性。通过以上优化方向,相信基于微信小程序的高校智能餐饮系统将在以后的发展中取得更好的成果,为高校师生提供更为便捷、高效的餐饮服务。

question:Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.(1) Terdapat banyak load coil dan bridged taps pada saluran telepon.(2) Kecepatan internet yang tidak stabil.(3) Informasi teknis sukar diperoleh.(4) Interupsi layanan sering terjadi.(5) Kabel dapat diputus orang lain.Berikut yang termasuk permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada penggunaan DSL ditunjukkan oleh nomor...Question 44Answera.(1), (2), dan (3)b.(1), (4), dan (5)c.(3), (4), dan (5)d.(1), (3), dan (4)e.(2), (3), dan (4)

answer:Pertanyaan ini mengacu pada permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada penggunaan Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). Berdasarkan opsi yang diberikan:(1) Load coil dan bridged taps memang dapat mengganggu kinerja DSL karena DSL merupakan teknologi yang mengirimkan sinyal frekuensi tinggi melalui kabel telepon, dan kedua perangkat itu dirancang untuk teknologi suara frekuensi rendah yang lama.(2) Kecepatan internet yang tidak stabil merupakan permasalahan umum pada penggunaan DSL, terutama jika kualitas kabel buruk, jarak dari pusat layanan (DSLAM) terlalu jauh, atau terdapat gangguan pada jaringan.(3) Informasi teknis sukar diperoleh tidak secara langsung berkaitan dengan teknologi DSL itu sendiri tetapi bisa menjadi permasalahan pada tingkat penyedia layanan.(4) Interupsi layanan sering terjadi bisa terkait dengan keandalan layanan DSL, khususnya jika infrastruktur tidak terpelihara dengan baik.(5) Kabel dapat diputus oleh orang lain merupakan risiko keamanan fisik yang bisa mempengaruhi semua jenis koneksi internet termasuk DSL, namun ini bukan masalah khas atau endemik dari teknologi DSL itu sendiri.Oleh karena itu, statement (1), (2), dan (4) mencerminkan permasalahan yang lebih langsung terkait dengan penggunaan DSL. Statement (3) mungkin merupakan masalah layanan pelanggan dan (5) merupakan masalah keamanan fisik yang bisa mempengaruhi semua jenis koneksi internet.Sehingga, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah:a. (1), (2), dan (3)

question:Staying and continuing with the alternate history scenario prompted and generated in the previous entries, remembering to stick to the history book format: How did the restored Empire of Vietnam ruling over not only all of Indochina but the Cantonia region restore the Vietnamese Imperial Army, the combined naval, ground force, aerial and special forces combat division of the Empire of Vietnam from the now defunct and dissolved combined armed wing of the CPV and the SRV’s combined armed forces, the People’s Army of Vietnam, the renmants of the Republic of Vietnam’s combined armed forces, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam and the renmants of the PLA in Cantonia, taking inspiration from the Great Ming Army while doing so?

answer:Chapter XVIII: The Reconstitution of the Vietnamese Imperial Army Context and ImperativeThe restoration of the Empire of Vietnam, encompassing all of Indochina and the Cantonia region, heralded a new era of socio-political and military reorganization. Central to this transformative phase was the establishment of the Vietnamese Imperial Army, a formidable force encompassing naval, ground, aerial, and special forces combat divisions. This reconstitution was not merely a rebranding of existing military forces but a comprehensive overhaul inspired by historical precedents and contemporary necessities. Strategic ConsolidationThe foundational strategy behind the Vietnamese Imperial Army's formation involved the intricate consolidation of diverse military legacies, including the remnants of the People’s Army of Vietnam, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and the People's Liberation Army units in Cantonia. This process was driven by a vision to unify these disparate entities under a single command structure, instilling a sense of shared purpose and allegiance to the newly restored monarchy. Inspiration from the Great Ming ArmyDrawing inspiration from the Great Ming Army's historic grandeur and strategic acumen, the Vietnamese Imperial Army endeavored to imbue its formations with a similar blend of martial prowess, loyalty, and service to the emperor and nation. This inspiration was manifested in several key areas:1. Structural Organization: Emulating the guard-battalion system of the Great Ming Army, the Vietnamese Imperial Army adopted a comparable organizational structure, allowing for more streamlined command and control, enhanced mobility, and effective utilization of manpower across different military theaters.2. Military Strategy and Training: Acknowledging the advanced tactics and training methodologies of the Great Ming Army, the Vietnamese Imperial Army integrated traditional combat strategies with modern warfare techniques. This holistic approach to military education aimed at creating a versatile and highly skilled force capable of responding to a range of threats and challenges.3. Cultural Integration: Just as the Great Ming Army was deeply imbued with the cultural and ideological ethos of its era, the Vietnamese Imperial Army sought to cultivate a strong sense of national identity and loyalty among its ranks. This was achieved through a comprehensive indoctrination program focusing on the historical significance of the Vietnamese monarchy and its role in preserving the nation's sovereignty and heritage. Military ModernizationParallel to drawing inspiration from historical models, the reconstitution of the Vietnamese Imperial Army emphasized the incorporation of modern military technologies and doctrines. This modernization initiative encompassed upgrading naval capabilities to project power and secure maritime interests, enhancing aerial reconnaissance and strike capabilities, and developing specialized units equipped to conduct asymmetric warfare and counter-insurgency operations. Integration ChallengesThe integration of former adversaries and units with diverse orientations into a cohesive Imperial Army presented significant challenges. To address these, a series of reforms were implemented, including joint training programs, the establishment of meritocratic promotion systems, and initiatives aimed at fostering esprit de corps. Furthermore, the leadership undertook confidence-building measures, such as the equitable distribution of command positions and the creation of forums for inter-unit dialogue and cooperation. ConclusionThe establishment of the Vietnamese Imperial Army marked a seminal moment in the military evolution of the restored Empire of Vietnam. By successfully melding the legacies of the People’s Army of Vietnam, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and the PLA remnants in Cantonia with the historical inspiration of the Great Ming Army, the Empire crafted a military force that was both a guardian of the nation’s newfound sovereignty and a symbol of its enduring legacy. This formidable institution stood as a testament to Vietnam's resilience and strategic foresight, poised to navigate the complexities of the modern geopolitical landscape while anchored in the rich tapestry of its imperial past.

question:fait seulement les 30 dernier jours

answer:Pour créer une liste contenant les informations concernant les 30 derniers jours de données de trading, où la somme de l'open, high, low et volume est égale à 150, vous devrez avoir accès aux données historiques pour chaque jour, les agréger et les filtrer en fonction de votre critère de somme égale à 150.Voici comment vous pourriez procéder pour obtenir cette liste. Puisque le critère de somme est fictif (il est improbable que la somme de ces valeurs soit exactement 150), le code ci-dessous servira principalement d'exemple. Vous aurez besoin de remplacer la partie de la condition pour correspondre à vos données réelles et à vos critères spécifiques.```pythonimport pandas as pdfrom datetime import datetime, timedelta# Supposons que `donnees` est votre DataFrame contenant toutes les données nécessairestry: donnees = pd.read_csv(chemin_fichier_csv) donnees['heure'] = pd.to_datetime(donnees['heure']) donnees.set_index('heure', inplace=True)except Exception as e: print("Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier CSV:", e) donnees = None# Si vos données ont été correctement lues, procédez à l'extraction de l'information if donnees is not None: # Récupère les données des 30 derniers jours disponibles dans le dataframe fin_donnees = donnees.index.max() # la dernière date de données disponible debut_donnees = fin_donnees - timedelta(days=29) # il y a 30 jours à partir de la dernière date donnees_30_derniers_jours = donnees.loc[debut_donnees:fin_donnees] # Filtrer les données pour que la somme de open, high, low, et volume soit égale à 150 # NB: Comme ce critère est peu probable, ajustez-le à votre situation réelle resultats = [] for date, row in donnees_30_derniers_jours.iterrows(): if row['open'] + row['high'] + row['low'] + row['volume'] == 150: resultats.append((date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), row['open'], row['high'], row['low'], row['volume'])) # Afficher les résultats for resultat in resultats: print(resultat)```Veuillez noter que le critère de la somme des valeurs open, high, low et volume égale à 150 est très probablement un exemple et ne correspondra pas aux données de trading réelles; il vous faudra ajuster cette condition avec un critère réaliste.Pour que ce code fonctionne correctement, vous devez vous assurer que votre CSV a les colonnes `open`, `high`, `low` et `volume` et que les données sont couvertes pour au moins les 30 derniers jours. Vous aurez également besoin d'ajuster le chemin d'accès au fichier CSV (`chemin_fichier_csv`) pour qu'il pointe vers le bon fichier.

question:Jetpack compose chat app with laravel api

answer:Creating a chat app involves a client-side UI and a server-side API to manage communication. In your case, you want to use Jetpack Compose for the Android client-side UI and Laravel as the backend API.Here's a high-level overview of the steps you'll need to take to build a simple chat application using Jetpack Compose for the Android app and Laravel for the API. Laravel API1. Install Laravel: If you haven't already, install Laravel by using Composer. ``` composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel chat-api ```2. Set Up Database: Configure your `.env` file to connect to a database where you'll store your chat messages.3. Migrations and Models: Create migrations and models for your chat messages. ```bash php artisan make:model Message -m ``` Then fill in the fields you need (like `user_id`, `message`, `created_at`, etc.) in the migration file created in the `database/migrations` directory and run the migration. ``` php artisan migrate ```4. Routing and Controllers: Define routes in `routes/api.php` to handle chat-related actions like sending and receiving messages. Create controllers with appropriate methods to handle these routes. ```php Route::get('/messages', 'MessageController@index'); Route::post('/messages', 'MessageController@store'); ```5. Business Logic: Implement the logic in your MessageController to handle storing messages and retrieving them. The index method might return recent messages, and the store method would add a new message after submitted.6. Real-time Updates: For real-time communication, consider using Laravel Websockets or Laravel Echo with Pusher. Jetpack Compose (Android App)1. Set Up Android Project: Create a new Android Studio project with an empty Compose activity.2. Networking: Use Retrofit or another HTTP networking library to make API calls to your Laravel backend.3. State and ViewModel: Implement a ViewModel to hold the state of your chat messages. Use LiveData or StateFlow to observe changes and update the UI automatically.4. Compose UI: Build the Compose UI structure with components like `TextField` for input and `LazyColumn` for displaying messages.5. Send/Receive Messages: Connect your composable functions with your ViewModel to send new messages to your API when the send button is clicked and to display incoming messages. Example of a Composable Chat Screen (simplified):```kotlin@Composablefun ChatScreen(viewModel: ChatViewModel) { val messages by viewModel.messages.observeAsState(initial = emptyList()) Column { LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)) { items(messages) { message -> Text(text = message.content) } } Row { var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") } TextField( value = text, onValueChange = { newText -> text = newText }, modifier = Modifier.weight(1f) ) Button(onClick = { viewModel.sendMessage(text) text = "" }) { Text("Send") } } }}``` Connecting Your Android App with the Laravel API1. Dependency Injection: Incorporate a DI framework like Hilt or manual DI to provide instances of Retrofit to your repositories.2. Repository Pattern: Implement the Repository pattern to abstract the networking logic from your ViewModel.3. LiveData/StateFlow: Use LiveData or StateFlow to communicate between your repository and ViewModel, notifying your Compose UI of changes.4. Authentication: Implement user authentication and pass an appropriate token with each request to identify the user. You can use Laravel Sanctum for API token authentication.5. WebSocket/Real-time Updates: For real-time updates, use a WebSocket connection or any real-time library like Scarlet to integrate with Laravel Websockets or your chosen real-time solution.This response includes a mixture of Android/Kotlin and Laravel/PHP code, and both parts have been simplified for illustration purposes. Depending on the complexity of your app, you may need to handle more details like error handling, user authentication, message pagination, typing indicators, etc. Also, you'll need appropriate error handling, security measures, and testing to ensure your chat app is reliable and secure.

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