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question:Next Question: Premise: "An individual dressed in a blue top and red ""spongebob"" shorts with a handful of papers looks surprised while being photographed."Hypothesis: "A man wearing a business suit is having his picture taken."Do we know that the hypothesis entailed by the premise?My Answer: Let's think. The man cannot be wearing a blue top and red shorts and be wearing a business suit. The answer is no.Next Question: Premise: "A man holding a flag is standing on a busy sidewalk."Based on this premise, can we conclude that the hypothesis "A man holds a flag on a sidewalk." is true?Options:- yes- it is not possible to tell- noMy Answer: Let's think. Standing on a busy sidewalk shows that the man is on a sidewalk. The answer is yes.Next Question: Premise: "People watch a musician play the guitar."Hypothesis: "People are listening to rock music."Do we know that the hypothesis entailed by the premise?My Answer: Let's think. A musician can play more than only rock music on a guitar. The answer is it is not possible to tell.Next Question: Can we conclude from "A man in a tan hat rides a motorized skateboard down the sidewalk." that "He is rollerskating in a rink."?Options:- yes- no- it is not possible to tellMy Answer:

answer:Let's think. One cannot be rollerskating and ride a motorized skateboard simultaneously. One can either be on the sidewalk on in a rink. The answer is no.

question:What is a process of removing wastes and excess water from the body?Options:- (A) hydration- (B) urination- (C) incontinence- (D) trash can- (E) vaporization- (F) Cooking- (G) body waste- (H) Exfoliation--Let's think first: Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. Ketones are exhaled and excreted in urine. Urination is a process of removing wastes and excess water from the body.... So the answer is [(B)]What can lead to bullying?Options:- (A) Cooperation- (B) Isolation- (C) Damaged hearing- (D) Perfection- (E) Competition- (F) negative- (G) smoking tobacco- (H) heat or cold--Let's think first: Competition may lead to aggressive behaviors or displays of aggression. Aggressive behavior is often first recognized as bullying behavior. Competition can result in bullying.... So the answer is [(E)]What is one thing organic compounds can be broken down by?Options:- (A) glucose- (B) chemicals- (C) trees- (D) Cooking- (E) oxygen- (F) plants- (G) Acids- (H) bacteria--Let's think first: Most fungi get organic compounds from dead organisms. Bacteria, fungi and plants can be used to break down organic compounds or extract metals. Organic compounds are broken down by plants.... So the answer is [(F)]When game animals move elsewhere, what else does?Options:- (A) relocation- (B) prey animals- (C) predatory animals- (D) migratory birds- (E) An object is seen- (F) migrants- (G) refract or absorb.- (H) barks and snarls--Let's think first: Migration is a type of movement that changes population size. Predatory animals migrate with the game animals. As movement causes a change in game population size, predatory population size changes, too.... So the answer is [(C)]What breathes with gills as larvae and with lungs as adults.Options:- (A) Salmon.- (B) Frogs.- (C) parasites- (D) Whales.- (E) Mice.- (F) a fish- (G) air- (H) tortoises--Let's think first: Most amphibians breathe with gills as larvae and with lungs as adults. All frogs are amphibians. Most frogs breathe with gills as larvae and with lungs as adults.... So the answer is [(B)]Energy that comes from body heat can help with Options:- (A) recovery- (B) commuting- (C) movement- (D) cooling- (E) strength- (F) stay warm- (G) health- (H) motion--

answer:Let's think first: Evaporation of sweat uses energy, and the energy comes from body heat. When sweat is evaporated into the air, it provides additional cooling. Cooling uses energy, and the energy comes from body heat.... So the answer is [(D)]

question:In this task you are given a Chinese paragraph related to a criminal case, your job is to give an answer of what the criminal charge is. Take note a) if there are multiple charges only one needs to be outputted b) the criminal charge should be in Chinese. Q: 浙江省宁波市海曙区人民检察院指控,2017年7月15日晚,被告人李1某在宁波市江北区幸福公寓对面甬乐超市门口,以450元人民币的价格贩卖给张某甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)1包(约1克)。2017年7月18日16时30分许,被告人李1某在宁波市江北区幸福公寓对面甬乐超市门口,以900元人民币的价格贩卖给张某甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)2包(0.9512克),被民警当场抓获,后民警又从其居住的幸福108公寓8326房间的住处搜出甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)5包(共2.9702克)。为证实以上事实,公诉机关向法庭提供了相关的证据材料,公诉机关认为被告人李1某贩卖毒品其行为已构成贩卖毒品罪。公诉机关建议以贩卖毒品罪判处被告人李1某××,并处罚金。提请本院依照《中华人民共和国刑法》××××、××之规定,予以惩处。A: [走私、贩卖、运输、制造]毒品Q: 漯河市郾城区人民检察院指控:2012年6月,被告人李某利用担任漯河市召陵区青年村乡砖桥村村主任的职务便利,在受上级人民政府委托负责管理砖桥村危房改造项目的过程中,侵吞国家专项危房改造款12000元,用于个人消费支出。A: 贪污Q: 三门县人民检察院指控,2015年8月,被告人李某向卢某借用牌号为浙J×××××轻型货车,并让卢某将车开到被告人李某所住的赛格特花园小区地下车库门口,之后被告人李某将其妻叶某所有的牌号为浙J×××××奔驰车停在该车后方。同年8月18日,被告人李某指使被告人罗某(绰号“杨某”)驾驶轻型货车倒车撞向该奔驰车,造成该车右前方受损,成功骗取中国人民财产保险有限公司赔偿款共计人民币20950元。案发后,被告人李某赔偿保险公司经济损失人民币20950元。A:


question:You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence.Sentence: One day Joe saw a White moving truck down the street from his and Nate's tree house. Question: What color was the van and the tree house?White.Sentence: John thought this rainy day was perfect. Question: Why did John and Bentley come inside?It was raining.Sentence: Kacey got home to see the big back of the monster in the door. Question: What does Kacey do and what bad thing happens because of it?

answer:Kacey got home, and she sees the monster.

question:Question and answer: Q: If "Man riding a bicycle with the number five thousand six hundred thirty three on the handlebars he has on a black helmet." does that mean that "The man is driving his car on the street."?Options:- yes- it is not possible to tell- noA: noExplanation: A car and a bicycle are two different modes of transportation.Question and answer: Q: Test for natural language inference.Premise: "A man standing on a concrete platform with his arms wide open."Hypothesis: "The man stood with his arms open on the platform."Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise?Options:- yes- no- it is not possible to tellA: yesExplanation: Standing and stood mean the same thing. Arms wide open means the same thing as arms open.Question and answer: Q: Premise: "A dirty dogs runs through the woods."Based on this premise, can we conclude that the hypothesis "The dog has a lot of dirt on it." is true?Options:- yes- it is not possible to tell- noA: yesExplanation:

answer:A dog with a lot of dirt on it is dirty.

question:instruction:In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.question:Last night we went to Rustik Tavern with our upstairs neighbor . There was some stand - up comedy going on in that place . Some of the comedians ( particularly the women ) were pretty good . It was interesting , as the audience was probably 90 % black and the comedians 100 % black . Question: Who might you choose to go to Rustik Tavern with before going ?answer:The person who lives above me .question:Remy supplied everything to the store, but the order was wrong. Question: What will Remy want to do next?answer:bring the right suppliesquestion:Quinn made Riley assault the person by lying and saying the person was a rapist. Question: What will Quinn want to do next?answer:

answer:laugh and enjoy the chaos

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