question:Write a python function to calculate the total number of tries scored by a list of rugby players, given a dictionary that maps player names to the number of tries they scored in a particular season. You should also return the name of the player with the most tries.Input:- A dictionary where keys are player names (strings) and values are the number of tries (integers) they scored.Output:- A tuple containing two elements: 1. An integer representing the total number of tries scored by all players. 2. A string representing the name of the player with the most tries.Example:```pythonplayers_tries = { "Tracy Moens": 15, "Alex Smith": 20, "Jamie Doe": 12, "Pat Johnson": 18}# The function should return: (65, "Alex Smith")```Please help me relive those glorious days by calculating our combined achievements on the field!
answer:def calculate_total_tries(players_tries): total_tries = 0 max_tries = 0 top_scorer = "" for player, tries in players_tries.items(): total_tries += tries if tries > max_tries: max_tries = tries top_scorer = player return total_tries, top_scorer
question:Write a python function to analyze the nutritional data of a list of food items and determine which items are both organic and low in cholesterol. The function should take in a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a food item with the keys 'name', 'organic', and 'cholesterol'. The 'organic' key will have a boolean value indicating if the food is organic, and the 'cholesterol' key will have an integer representing the cholesterol content in milligrams. The function should return a list of names of the food items that are organic and have a cholesterol content of 20 mg or less.Input:- A list of dictionaries, e.g., ```python [ {'name': 'Apple', 'organic': True, 'cholesterol': 0}, {'name': 'Chicken Breast', 'organic': True, 'cholesterol': 70}, {'name': 'Spinach', 'organic': True, 'cholesterol': 0}, {'name': 'Cheese', 'organic': False, 'cholesterol': 30}, {'name': 'Egg Whites', 'organic': True, 'cholesterol': 0} ] ```Expected Output:- A list of strings, e.g., `['Apple', 'Spinach', 'Egg Whites']`.Note: Ensure the function properly checks both conditions (organic and cholesterol <= 20) before adding a food item to the result list.
answer:def analyze_nutritional_data(food_items): result = [] for item in food_items: if item['organic'] and item['cholesterol'] <= 20: result.append(item['name']) return result
question:Write a python function to process a list of strings containing names, where some names might be obscured or corrupted due to vision problems I am experiencing. The function should take a list of names as input and return a new list with all names converted to lowercase, with any non-alphabetic characters removed. This should help me better identify and read the names. Input: A list of strings, where each string is a name. For example: `["Alice!", "B0b", "Ch@rlie", "Dav1d"]`.Output: A list of cleaned, lowercase names with only alphabetic characters. For example, given the input above, the output should be: `["alice", "bob", "charlie", "david"]`.Please provide a simple and clear solution that can help me handle these corrupted names.
answer:def clean_names(names): cleaned_names = [] for name in names: cleaned_name = ''.join(char.lower() for char in name if char.isalpha()) cleaned_names.append(cleaned_name) return cleaned_names
question:Write a python function to determine if a given string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward (ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization).Input: A single string that may contain letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation.Output: A boolean value `True` if the input string is a palindrome, and `False` otherwise.Example:- Input: `"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama"`- Output: `True`Please make sure that your function is case-insensitive and ignores all non-alphanumeric characters.
answer:def is_palindrome(input_str): # Remove non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lowercase cleaned_str = ''.join(char.lower() for char in input_str if char.isalnum()) # Check if the cleaned string is equal to its reverse return cleaned_str == cleaned_str[::-1]
question:Write a python function to calculate the average monthly growth rate of a digital investment portfolio given a list of monthly balances over a period of time. The function should take a list of floating-point numbers as input, where each number represents the portfolio balance at the end of each month. The output should be a single floating-point number representing the average monthly growth rate as a percentage.For example, if the input list is `[1000.0, 1050.0, 1102.5, 1157.625]`, the function should calculate the average growth rate from month to month and return the rate as a percentage. Note that the list will always have at least two elements to represent the balances of at least two consecutive months.
answer:def calculate_avg_growth_rate(balances): growth_rates = [] for i in range(1, len(balances)): previous_balance = balances[i-1] current_balance = balances[i] growth_rate = (current_balance - previous_balance) / previous_balance * 100 growth_rates.append(growth_rate) avg_growth_rate = sum(growth_rates) / len(growth_rates) return avg_growth_rate
question:Write a python function to calculate the average temperature from a list of daily temperature readings. The input to the function should be a list of integers or floats representing temperatures in Celsius. The function should return a float representing the average temperature, rounded to two decimal places. If the input list is empty, the function should return `None`.For example, given the input list `[23.5, 26.0, 19.8, 21.0, 22.3]`, the function should return `22.52`.Please make sure to handle the edge case where the input list is empty.
answer:def calculate_average_temperature(temperatures): if not temperatures: return None total_temperature = sum(temperatures) num_readings = len(temperatures) average_temperature = total_temperature / num_readings return round(average_temperature, 2)