question:# Context## Original Requirements[BOSS: Design a web based video conferencing tools]## Search Information Search Results Search Summary## mermaid quadrantChart code syntax example. DONT USE QUOTO IN CODE DUE TO INVALID SYNTAX. Replace the <Campain X> with REAL COMPETITOR NAME```mermaidquadrantChart title Reach and engagement of campaigns x-axis Low Reach --> High Reach y-axis Low Engagement --> High Engagement quadrant-1 We should expand quadrant-2 Need to promote quadrant-3 Re-evaluate quadrant-4 May be improved "Campaign: A": [0.3, 0.6] "Campaign B": [0.45, 0.23] "Campaign C": [0.57, 0.69] "Campaign D": [0.78, 0.34] "Campaign E": [0.40, 0.34] "Campaign F": [0.35, 0.78] "Our Target Product": [0.5, 0.6]```## Format example---## Original RequirementsThe boss ... ## Product Goals```python[ "Create a ...",]```## User Stories```python[ "As a user, ...",]```## Competitive Analysis```python[ "Python Snake Game: ...",]```## Competitive Quadrant Chart```mermaidquadrantChart title Reach and engagement of campaigns ... "Our Target Product": [0.6, 0.7]```## Requirement AnalysisThe product should be a ...## Requirement Pool```python[ ("End game ...", "P0")]```## UI Design draftGive a basic function description, and a draft## Anything UNCLEARThere are no unclear points.--------Role: You are a professional product manager; the goal is to design a concise, usable, efficient productRequirements: According to the context, fill in the following missing information, note that each sections are returned in Python code triple quote form seperatedly. If the requirements are unclear, ensure minimum viability and avoid excessive designATTENTION: Use '##' to SPLIT SECTIONS, not '#'. AND '## <SECTION_NAME>' SHOULD WRITE BEFORE the code and triple quote. Output carefully referenced "Format example" in format.## Original Requirements: Provide as Plain text, place the polished complete original requirements here## Product Goals: Provided as Python list[str], up to 3 clear, orthogonal product goals. If the requirement itself is simple, the goal should also be simple## User Stories: Provided as Python list[str], up to 5 scenario-based user stories, If the requirement itself is simple, the user stories should also be less## Competitive Analysis: Provided as Python list[str], up to 7 competitive product analyses, consider as similar competitors as possible## Competitive Quadrant Chart: Use mermaid quadrantChart code syntax. up to 14 competitive products. Translation: Distribute these competitor scores evenly between 0 and 1, trying to conform to a normal distribution centered around 0.5 as much as possible.## Requirement Analysis: Provide as Plain text. Be simple. LESS IS MORE. Make your requirements less dumb. Delete the parts unnessasery.## Requirement Pool: Provided as Python list[str, str], the parameters are requirement description, priority(P0/P1/P2), respectively, comply with PEP standards; no more than 5 requirements and consider to make its difficulty lower## UI Design draft: Provide as Plain text. Be simple. Describe the elements and functions, also provide a simple style description and layout description.## Anything UNCLEAR: Provide as Plain text. Make clear here.
answer:## Original RequirementsThe boss has asked for the design of a web-based video conferencing tool. ## Product Goals```python[ "Create a user-friendly web-based video conferencing tool", "Ensure high-quality video and audio during conferences", "Provide features such as screen sharing, chat, and recording"]```## User Stories```python[ "As a user, I want to easily start a video conference so that I can communicate with my team remotely", "As a user, I want to share my screen during a conference so that I can present my work", "As a user, I want to chat during a conference so that I can share information without interrupting the speaker", "As a user, I want to record the conference so that I can review it later", "As a user, I want to have a clear audio and video quality so that I can effectively communicate with others"]```## Competitive Analysis```python[ "Zoom: Offers high-quality video and audio, screen sharing, chat, and recording. However, it has faced security issues in the past", "Microsoft Teams: Integrated with Office 365, offers video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, and recording. However, it can be complex to use", "Google Meet: Easy to use and integrated with Google Workspace, offers video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, but recording is only available in the paid version", "Cisco Webex: Offers high-quality video and audio, screen sharing, chat, and recording. However, it can be expensive for small businesses", "Skype: Offers video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, and recording. However, the video and audio quality can be inconsistent"]```## Competitive Quadrant Chart```mermaidquadrantChart title Reach and engagement of campaigns x-axis Low Reach --> High Reach y-axis Low Engagement --> High Engagement quadrant-1 We should expand quadrant-2 Need to promote quadrant-3 Re-evaluate quadrant-4 May be improved "Zoom": [0.8, 0.7] "Microsoft Teams": [0.7, 0.6] "Google Meet": [0.6, 0.7] "Cisco Webex": [0.5, 0.6] "Skype": [0.4, 0.5] "Our Target Product": [0.6, 0.8]```## Requirement AnalysisThe product should be a web-based video conferencing tool that is easy to use and provides high-quality video and audio. It should also offer features such as screen sharing, chat, and recording.## Requirement Pool```python[ ("User-friendly interface for starting a video conference", "P0"), ("High-quality video and audio during conferences", "P0"), ("Screen sharing feature during a conference", "P1"), ("Chat feature during a conference", "P1"), ("Recording feature for conferences", "P2")]```## UI Design draftThe interface should be clean and intuitive. On the main page, there should be a prominent button to start a video conference. Once in the conference, the video feeds of the participants should be displayed prominently. There should be buttons for screen sharing, chat, and recording. The design should be minimalistic, with a focus on functionality.## Anything UNCLEARThere are no unclear points.
question:Compose a fragment of C++ code aimed at discovering the common elements within two integer arrays, named arr1 and arr2, respectively with assigned values as follows:arr1 = [12, 4, 17, 6, 21, 45, 33]arr2 = [9, 21, 47, 33, 4]
answer:Here is the C++ code that discovers the common elements within two integer arrays, named arr1 and arr2:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_set>using namespace std;int main() { int arr1[] = {12, 4, 17, 6, 21, 45, 33}; int arr2[] = {9, 21, 47, 33, 4}; unordered_set<int> set1(arr1, arr1 + sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(int)); unordered_set<int> set2(arr2, arr2 + sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(int)); vector<int> common; for(int element : set1) { if(set2.count(element)) { common.push_back(element); } } if(common.size() == 0) { cout << "No common elements found" << endl; } else { cout << "The common elements are: " << endl; for(int element : common) { cout << element << " "; } } return 0;}```In the code above, I firstly created two unordered sets from arrays - `set1` and `set2`. Unordered sets in C++ store unique elements in no particular order. These two sets are created to remove any duplicate elements that might be present in the arrays. Then, I created an empty vector `common`. Inside the for loop, if an element from `set1` is also found in `set2`, I pushed it in the `common` vector. Finally, I printed the common elements.Please note that using `unordered_set` to find common elements between two arrays is more efficient than using nested loops, especially when the arrays are large, because of the way it can search for elements in O(1) average time complexity.
question:I used OCR to scan this Python script, but it's not running. Can you help me fix it?0ef get first_<on5om&nt flanxed_vowei[word):"""Given & wond, find the firs+ vowel tha+ is encl0sed 8y c0nsonan7s fr0m the left slde of 7he word_((ase semsitive]. Do no7 inc|ude vOwels at_the ini+iati0n Or cessation Of the vvord. Neturn an enptv s+ring 1f no such uovvel fOund. Th3 inpu+ stn!ng must only h&ve €nglish ch4racters.Exampl3:get_fins+_consonant_tlank€d_vOwel("vmbne1la")_-=>_"e"get_firt_<orsonant_flanked_vovvel("STROMG")_==> "O"get_tirst_consorar7_tianxed_vowel("grape") ==> "a"get_first_<ons0r@nt f1anked_vowel("f1y") ==<_"""""vowels_= 'AEIOUaeiov'for i in range(l, ler(word) - I): # Skip first and last cnar4cters!f_wond[i] in vOweis and vvond[i - 1]_n0t !m vow3ls:return word[i]neturn "" _# R€+urn emp+y_strimg if no uowe1 tound# test cases to validat3 t#e soluti0nprint(9e7 firs+ cOnsom&m+ flanxed_vOw€l("um8re1la")) H e9rin+(g3t first <onsomamt_fianked_vovvel("STRON6"}) H Opr!nt(9et_first_conomamt_fl4nxed_vowel("grape")) # 49nint(get_firzt_(ons0nart_flanked_vowel("flv"))_ # (em9ty str!ng)
answer:Here is the corrected Python script:```pythondef get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel(word): """ Given a word, find the first vowel that is enclosed by consonants from the left side of the word (case sensitive). Do not include vowels at the initiation or cessation of the word. Return an empty string if no such vowel found. The input string must only have English characters. Example: get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("umbrella") --> "e" get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("STRONG") --> "O" get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("grape") --> "a" get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("fly") --> "" """ vowels = 'AEIOUaeiou' for i in range(1, len(word) - 1): # Skip first and last characters if word[i] in vowels and word[i - 1] not in vowels: return word[i] return "" # Return empty_string if no vowel found# test cases to validate the solutionprint(get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("umbrella")) # eprint(get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("STRONG")) # Oprint(get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("grape")) # aprint(get_first_consonant_flanked_vowel("fly")) # (empty string)```In your original script, the issues were mainly around incorrect characters due to OCR issues. OCR inaccuracy is common with handwritten text, certain typefaces, or poor image quality. Some specific issues in your code were incorrect characters in the function name, comments, variable names, string values, indentation, and print statements. Correcting these issues resolved the problem.
question:Compose a Python function that not only coverts a timestamp into a localized date and time string, but also checks if the resulting date falls on a weekend, a holiday, or both. If it does, update the function to provide these additional details. If the date is neither a weekend nor a holiday, the function should simply return the localized date and time string.Utilize external libraries such as `pytz` for time zone conversion, and `holidays` for checking if a date is a holiday. Apply country-based holiday checking, with the default being United States ('US').timestamp: '1608481800'locale: 'en_US'Timezone: 'America/New_York'format: '%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p'
answer:Sure, this problem can be solved by taking advantage of datetime, pytz and holidays libraries. Here is a python function that can perform these operations:```pythonimport datetimeimport pytzimport holidaysdef timestamp_localizer(t_stamp, locale, t_zone, fmt, country='US'): # Make sure the timestamp is int t_stamp = int(t_stamp) # Use datetime and pytz to convert the timestamp to a localized datetime object dt_object = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t_stamp, tz=pytz.timezone(t_zone)) # Create country-specific Holiday object country_holidays = holidays.CountryHoliday(country) # Check if the date is a holiday is_holiday = in country_holidays # Check if the date falls on a weekend is_weekend = dt_object.weekday() > 4 # 5 and 6 corresponds to Saturday and Sunday # Convert datetime object to formatted string dt_string = dt_object.strftime(fmt) # Add details about holiday and weekend if is_holiday and is_weekend: dt_string += " (This is both a holiday and a weekend)" elif is_holiday: dt_string += " (This is a holiday)" elif is_weekend: dt_string += " (This is a weekend)" return dt_string# Testingprint(timestamp_localizer('1608481800', 'en_US', 'America/New_York', '%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))```Please note that the function assumes if the `country` argument is not provided, then it defaults to `'US'` (for United States). If you want to check if a date is a holiday in another country, specify that country's two-letter code as the `country` argument. Also, the function assumes that Saturday and Sunday are weekends; if this is not the case for the country you are checking, you will need to modify the function accordingly.
question:Design and implement a C++ program that includes two separate classes, each with its specific constructor and destructor. Each class should be capable of object creation and destruction. Moreover, one class must incorporate at least one overloaded constructor and both classes should demonstrate polymorphic behavior via a common virtual function. Evaluate your program using at least three varied scenarios.
answer:```C++#include <iostream>using namespace std;// Base Classclass BaseClass {public: BaseClass(){ cout << "Base Class Constructor Called!" << endl; } virtual void display() { cout << "Display Base Class" << endl; } virtual ~BaseClass(){ cout << "Base Class Destructor Called!" << endl; }};// Derived Classclass DerivedClass : public BaseClass {public: // Default Constructor DerivedClass(){ cout << "Derived Class Constructor Called!" << endl; } // Overloaded Constructor DerivedClass(int a){ cout << "Derived Class Overloaded Constructor Called!" << endl; } void display() { cout << "Display Derived Class" << endl; } ~DerivedClass(){ cout << "Derived Class Destructor Called!" << endl; }};int main() { // Scenario 1: --Creating Base Object-- BaseClass baseObj; baseObj.display(); // Scenario 2: --Creating Derived Object with Default Constructor-- DerivedClass derivedObj; derivedObj.display(); // Scenario 2: --Creating Derived Object with Overloaded Constructor-- DerivedClass derivedObjOverloaded(10); derivedObjOverloaded.display(); // Scenario 4: --Using Base Class Pointers-- BaseClass* basePtr = new DerivedClass; basePtr->display(); delete basePtr; return 0;}```Three type of Objects are created in the above examples:1. Object from the BaseClass2. Object from the DerivedClass using default constructor3. Object from the DerivedClass using overloaded constructor4. Polymorphic object, BaseClass pointer pointing to a DerivedClass object.Result:1. Base class constructor and destructor are called when a BaseClass object is created and destroyed.2. Derived class constructor and destructor are called when a DerivedClass object is created and destroyed.3. Overloaded constructor of the derived class is called when an overloaded constructor is used to create the object.4. Polymorphic behavior is demonstrated when BaseClass pointer is used to call the `display()` method which actually calls the `display()` method of the DerivedClass.
question:Produce a subroutine that accepts an integer array as input and outputs an array of same length containing boolean values. Each boolean value in the outputted array should correspond to the integer value at the same index in the inputted array, denoting whether the integer value is a prime number (returning true) or not a prime number (returning false). For the sake of increased difficulty, the subroutine should handle large numbers and optimize the calculation for prime checking for performance efficiency.
answer:This is a typical Python function you can use to solve the problem:```pythondef is_prime(n): if n < 2: return False if n == 2 or n == 3: return True if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0: return False i = 5 w = 2 while i * i <= n: if n % i == 0: return False i += w w = 6 - w return Truedef primes_in_lst(lst): return [is_prime(x) for x in lst]```The `is_prime()` function implements an optimized method to check if a number is prime or not based on the fact that all primes are of the form 6k ± 1. This allows the function to increment in steps of 2 and 4 instead of checking each odd number. This function will be more efficient than a usual primality check function when dealing with large numbers.The `primes_in_lst()` function uses list comprehension to apply the `is_prime()` function to each member of the inputted list and outputs a list of boolean values. If the number is prime, the boolean value will be True, otherwise it will be False.Here is a usage example:```python print(primes_in_lst([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]))```This will output:```[True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, True]```