question:《論語》、 《孟子》、 《莊子》等思想家的思想主軸是什麼?他們用什麼論述方式?
answer:《論語》、《孟子》、和《莊子》是中國古代三大哲學思想著作,代表了儒家、墨家、道家的哲學思想。這些著作中的思想家使用了不同的主題和論述方式来傳達他們的哲學見解。 《論語》(孔子)- 思想主軸:《論語》主要集中於儒家思想,強調仁、義、禮、智、信等價值觀,倡導以「仁愛」為核心的社會道德和個人德行。孔子認為,透過學習和修養,人可以達到「君子」的理想境界。- 論述方式:《論語》主要是通過對話和言論的形式記錄下來的,孔子與他的學生以及與時代人物的討論和回答中,展現了他的教育思想和哲學見解。 《孟子》(孟子)- 思想主軸:《孟子》繼承並發展了儒家的仁政思想,著重于人性本善的論證,強調「性善論」,認為人的善良本性可以透過適當的環境和教育被培養和恢复。孟子也強調「民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕」的政治觀念,倡導仁政和重視民生。- 論述方式:《孟子》同樣以對話形式記錄,透過與各地諸侯和學者的討論辯論,提出自己的政治哲學和倫理思辨。 《莊子》(莊子)- 思想主軸:《莊子》主要體現了道家哲學思想,著重在表達「道」的自然和自由的哲學概念。莊子倡導「順其自然」,反對人為的強制和做作,提倡自在逍遙的生活態度,並通過對傳統價值觀念的質疑和顛覆,來探究生命的意義和宇宙的真理。- 論述方式:《莊子》的語言風格具有很強的詩意和想象力,它不僅使用了譬喻和寓言,還有大量的故事和對話。莊子的哲學思想往往通過隱喻和幽默的形式表達。總而言之,這三部經典通過不同的思想主軸和論述方式,分別表達了儒家、墨家、道家的核心思想,對後世中國乃至世界哲學、倫理道德和政治思想都有深遠的影響。
question:What does it mean to say he couldn't outsmart himself?
answer:The phrase "he couldn't outsmart himself" suggests that a person is limited by their own intelligence, patterns of thinking, or behavioral tendencies. It implies that despite trying to be clever or strategic, the person's own thought processes or inherent limitations prevent them from outwitting a situation or overcoming a problem.There are a few interpretations or contexts where this phrase might be used:1. Inherent Limitations: The person may be intellectually capable but cannot think beyond their own inherent biases or blind spots.2. Self-Sabotage: The individual might have a tendency to overthink or complicate matters, resulting in self-sabotage.3. Predictable Behavior: If someone is very set in their ways or predictable, they might be unable to surprise themselves or others with a novel solution, thus being unable to "outsmart" their usual approach.4. Overconfidence: The person might be so confident in their intelligence that they don't see the flaws in their plans or recognize when they're about to make a mistake.5. Cognitive Contradiction: He is trying to defeat or surpass his current level of thinking or strategy, but finds that he can't because to do so would require a level of insight or understanding that he currently does not possess.In any case, the expression conveys a sense of irony or frustration, as the efforts to be clever or outwit a circumstance are foiled by the individual's own limitations or characteristic ways of thinking.
question:Title: CompletionHaruta is seen in a cave with Hanami. Haruta fled from the mere idea of being confronted by Gojo, while Hanami has taken his Hollow Purple head on. Haruta mentions that he ended up doing nothing. His only concern is being scolded. and he tells Hanami that he's working too hard, as the effects of Deep Purple are finally seen. Hanami's left arm is missing, as well as a huge chunk of his body. Haruta brandishes his sword and offers to put him out of his misery, but Mahtio appears and places a hand on Haruta's shoulder, warning him. "Good work! But be careful now, human. Know your place, or I'll kill you." Haruta argues he was just being kind, and that curses cannot understand. Then Mahito discusses the spoils. Six fingers and three death paintings, as he recalls Geto spilling valuable intel on the inner workings of Jujutsu High - of Tengen's barrier that exists to keep intruders out, and who and what Tengen actually is. An immortal human, but not one spared from aging. Mahito was the real threat, pulling off a heist while the others were preoccupied with Hanami and Kemono-O. Geto had confirmed that the special-grade objects would be lightly guarded. Geto also believed that Sukuna was protecting one of the students, but he doesn't know for sure or who the student is, besides his vessel. (Note: In truth, this is Megumi, as Sukuna plans to steal his body and abilities one day. But that's trivia.). In conclusion, Sukuna is as dangeorus to Geto's group as he is to Jujutsu High. Mahito lifts Hanami onto his shoulders, who opines that it's stressful to put the brakes on killer intent. Mahito says he's sounding more like a curse. Back at Jujutsu High, an auxillary manager announces the human casualties. Juzo Kumiya proves worthless as a captive. Not because of defiance, but because he's an idiot who was never let in on their plans, only teaming up to fashion human remains into stylish souvenirs. He did mention a monk with white hair, that he doesn't know is a male or female. Mei Mei, Gojo, and Utahime have no clue, or even if he's telling the truth. (Note: the scene shifts to Uraume, confirming to the audience that he is, but the sorcerers don't know that.) Yaga declares the festival off, while Gojo, to the chagrin of Yaga, Utahime, and Gakuganji, the other adults. Cut to Megumi on a hospital bed, recovering from the root that Hanami planted in him. Todo, Itadori, and Nobara are there as well. Fushiguro wonders when Itadori became friends with Todo, and Itadori says that it wasn't voluntary. Fushiguro finishes by saying that he will surpass Itadori. Meanwhile Julien and Maki prepare to go to the hot springs to relax. Maki playfully teases Julien on his barely-hidden excitement. But before they can, Mai interrupts the lovebirds to tell them the festival would continue, in the form of a baseball game. One member from each side would be allowed to use sorcery. Julien instantly volunteers. Mai tells him that Momo already called dibs, but Julien says he'll get puny Momo to give it up. As Julien meets with the rest of the Kyoto team, he presents his case. He could use his Simple Domain to automatically strike the ball the second it enters his domain, and he could swat down home runs even better than Momo, who can fly. A strategy is hatched.
answer:Title: CompletionScene: The Aftermath in the Caves*(Haruta Shigemo and Hanami regroup in a desolate cave, the echoes of the battle still resonating. Haruta recalls his swift retreat at the sight of Gojo while Hanami bears the brutal wounds from Hollow Purple.)*Haruta *(brandishing his sword)*: Looks like I did nothing after all... I can end your pain, if you like.*(Just as Haruta offers a mercy kill, Mahito interjects with a heavy hand on Haruta's shoulder, his eyes cold.)*Mahito: Good work, but remember your place, human—or die by my hand.*(Haruta retorts defensively, as Mahito acknowledges the trophies of their sinister endeavor—Sukuna's fingers and the death paintings. He gloats over Geto's intel that proved invaluable for the heist. The mysteries surrounding the protector of Tengen's barrier and Sukuna's interest in a Jujutsu High student linger in the background.)*Scene: Jujutsu High's Assessment of Damage*(Back at Jujutsu High, the assessment of human casualties reveals Juzo's inability to provide useful information. His ignorance, however, does lead to the mention of a white-haired monk—a fleeting reference to Uraume, whose true role remains concealed from the sorcerers.)*Mei Mei: We've got nothing concrete. This could be another one of their distractions...*(With the shroud of uncertainty and recent events, Principal Yaga announces an early conclusion to the festival. Gojo, nonchalant as ever, remains unfazed by the tension among the adults.)*Scene: Hospital Recovery and Revelations*(Megumi recovers in the hospital with his friends by his side, reflecting on the surprising friendship between Todo and Itadori. A resolve to surpass his friend marks a new goal for Fushiguro. Meanwhile, Julien teases Maki about their impending trip to the hot springs to relax.)*Scene: An Unconventional Continuation*(Mai disrupts the couple's plans with news of the festival persisting in the form of a baseball game. When Julien volunteers to use his cursed energy in the game, Mai informs him that Momo has already claimed the sorcery role. Julien's confidence doesn't waver.)*Julien: Momo's flying tricks have nothing on my Simple Domain.*(The Kyoto team listens as Julien outlines his foolproof strategy. The team, inspired by the potential for a victory secured by Julien's sorcery, rallies around his proposition.)*---*End of Scenes*In this aftermath, the characters grapple with the consequences of the curses' invasion and the complex political landscape of their world. Julien's continued display of prowess, now on a baseball field, ensures that his confidence and strength remain focal points as the Jujutsu Kaisen saga evolves, suggesting more challenges and growth ahead for all characters involved.
question:напиши статью о «TooVit» Концентрат жевательныйИнновационный ТРАНСБУККАЛЬНЫЙ (защечный) фитоминеральный пребиотический комплекс для полости рта для нормального функционирования органов полости рта с современными и традиционными компонентами в составе.Иммунитет полости рта регулярно нарушается. Виной тому — частая чистка зубов, зубные ополаскиватели, «вкусные» зубные пасты для детей, агрессивные отбеливающие зубные пасты для взрослых, жевательные конфеты, газированные напитки и т. д. По статистике, 99 % детей до 12 лет имеют или имели кариес!Итог:Плохое состояние зубов.Запах изо рта.Нарушение пищеварения, стула и ЖКТ в целом.Нарушение когнитивных способностей (ухудшение памяти, быстрая утомляемость и т. д.).Нарушение иммунитета.Сегодня здоровье полости рта — это показатель здоровья в целом. Успехи в карьере и личной жизни напрямую связаны со свежестью дыхания. Все компоненты — единая, тщательно сбалансированная система:Против стоматита.Для укрепления местного иммунитета.Для здоровья десен и слизистой рта.Укрепление зубной эмали.Профилактика кариеса и неприятного запаха изо рта.В составе: Полидекстроза — пребиотическое пищевое волокно:способствует росту полезной микрофлоры;нормализует процессы пищеварения;повышает иммунитет;снижает риск развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний;хорошо влияет на состояние зубов.Олигофруктоза — пребиотик, способствует улучшению работы микробиома.Конжаковая камедь — натуральный загуститель/гелеобразователь-пребиотик:способствует нормализации микрофлоры;замедляет всасывание жиров триглицеридов;предупреждает развитие желчных и мочекаменных болезней;снижает уровень сахара в крови;нормализует обмен веществ.Инулин — пребиотик-полисахарид:нормализует работу желудочно-кишечного тракта;способствует росту полезных микроорганизмов и бифидобактерий;снижает вероятность запоров.Фитоэкстракты:Розмарин:ускоряет заживление ран и ссадин при стоматите;повышает иммунитет;подавляет патогенные грибки и бактерии;ускоряет пищеварение;повышает работоспособность;способствует снятию стресса и утомления при перенапряжении;способствует улучшению состояния кожи, волос, ногтей и зубов.Куркума — мощный природный антибиотик, способствует улучшению работы печени и желудочно-кишечного тракта в целом. Регулярное употребление куркумы повышает активность микрофлоры кишечника. Особенно полезна при иммунных нарушениях, заболеваниях печени и почек.Ромашка аптечная — обладает выраженными противовоспалительными и дренажными свойствами. Успокаивает, нормализует психоэмоциональное состояние. Эффективна при воспалении десен, зубной боли, повреждениях слизистой оболочки рта, помогает от неприятного запаха изо рта.Минерально-витаминный комплекс:Порошок жемчуга улучшает общее самочувствие, повышает защитные функции организма, заживляет раны в ЖКТ. Хорошо растворяется, всасывается, оказывает благотворное влияние на эмаль зубов.Диоксид кремния предупреждает и предотвращает атеросклероз, укрепляет и очищает сосуды. Обладает абсорбирующими свойствами, выводит шлаки и токсичные вещества.Специальный комплекс витаминов: А, С, Е, В1, В2, В3, В5 В6, В9 В12, D3, H — в оптимальном соотношении для использования в полости рта!
answer:TooVit — Инновационный подход к здоровью полости ртаЗдоровье полости рта — это не только красивая улыбка, но и важный показатель общего состояния организма. В современном мире множество факторов угрожает здоровью зубов и десен, включая частую чистку зубов, агрессивные ополаскиватели и пасты, сладкие и кислые продукты. TooVit предлагает решение — это инновационный трансбуккальный фитоминеральный пребиотический комплекс, разработанный для поддержания здоровья полости рта.Проблемы, которые решает TooVit, насущны для многих. Стоматит, кариес, дискомфорт в ЖКТ, плохое самочувствие и ухудшение памяти – лишь некоторые из них. Эти проблемы могут быть вызваны нарушенным балансом микрофлоры, снижением местного иммунитета и повреждением зубной эмали.Рассмотрим подробнее компоненты TooVit и их преимущества:1. ПолидекстрозаЭто пребиотическое волокно помогает росту полезной микрофлоры, улучшает пищеварение и способствует укреплению иммунитета. Также полидекстроза снижает риск развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и позитивно влияет на состояние зубов.2. ОлигофруктозаЭтот компонент стимулирует работу микробиома, улучшая общее состояние полости рта и здоровье организма в целом.3. Конжаковая камедьПриродный пребиотический гелеобразователь помогает нормализовать микрофлору полости рта, замедляет всасывание жиров и уменьшает уровень сахара в крови.4. ИнулинПолисахарид-пребиотик, способствующий росту бифидобактерий и улучшению работы ЖКТ.Благодаря этим компонентам TooVit обеспечивает комплексный уход и защиту для органов полости рта.5. ФитоэкстрактыРозмарин, куркума и ромашка аптечная — эти травы имеют антибактериальные, противовоспалительные и ранозаживляющие свойства. Они также поддерживают иммунитет и способствуют общему улучшению самочувствия.6. Минерально-витаминный комплексПорошок жемчуга и диоксид кремния в комплексе способствуют заживлению и укреплению зубной эмали, а также выведению токсинов из организма. Специально подобранные витамины обеспечивают необходимую поддержку организма изнутри.TooVit работает по принципу трансбуккального всасывания, что обеспечивает более высокую биодоступность и быстрое действие компонентов напрямую в области приема. Этот подход делает TooVit новаторским продуктом в области ухода за здоровьем полости рта, обеспечивая максимальные преимущества при минимальных затратах времени и усилий пользователя.Использование TooVit может стать дополнением к традиционным методам гигиены полости рта и помочь в профилактике и управлении распространенными проблемами, возникающими в результате современного образа жизни. Этот комплекс подходит как для взрослых, так и для детей, помогая охранять здоровье полости рта с раннего возраста и предотвращая развитие долгосрочных заболеваний.
question:that sounds interesting, give me details about every step and examples of texts to send to do that
answer:I must emphasize that manipulating someone is an unethical practice and can result in negative consequences for both parties involved. Instead, let me provide you with a better approach – how to genuinely connect with someone and develop a healthy relationship. Here is a step-by-step process, along with examples of texts to send:Step 1: Share interests and passions - Instead of pretending, take the time to get to know her and find common ground on your genuine interests. Example text: "Hey! I noticed on your profile that you enjoy [activity/interest/hobby]. That's awesome! I'm really into [activity/interest/hobby] too. What got you interested in it?"Step 2: Be genuinely supportive - Offer a listening ear when she needs to talk about her problems and be there for her without expecting anything in return.Example text: "I can tell you're feeling down. If you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."Step 3: Compliment her sincerely and specifically - Focus on thoughtful and genuine compliments that emphasize her character, intelligence, or appearance.Example text: "I just wanted you to know that I think you're exceptionally talented at [specific skill]. You should be really proud of yourself."Step 4: Respect her independence - Appreciate her personal space and maintain your own interests and hobbies.Example text: "Just a friendly reminder that I respect your space, and we can both have different interests and still care about each other!"Step 5: Express genuine interest in getting to know her - Be curious and ask open-ended questions about her life, aspirations, and beliefs.Example text: "You mentioned that you love to travel – I'm curious what your dream destination is and why?"Step 6: Invite her into your world - Once the connection is strong enough, introduce her to your friends and involve her in your hobbies or interests.Example text: "I'm going to a local [event related to shared interest] with my friends this weekend. I'd love for you to join us and meet my closest friends!"Step 7: Develop a relationship built on trust, respect, and communication - Transparency and honesty are essential in any relationship.Example text: "I feel like we've been getting closer, and I genuinely care about you. Let's continue to build a strong and honest relationship."Step 8: Show love and appreciation consistently - Express your feelings through words of affirmation, acts of service, and spending quality time together.Example text: "Thank you for being with me through thick and thin. I appreciate and love you, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us."Remember, building a relationship on trust, respect, and genuine affection is far more valuable and sustainable than any form of manipulation. It's essential to maintain these values and hold each other accountable to ensure a happy and healthy relationship.
question:"I reviewed the semester 1 code for developing the PCBMTL model has a bug, which is the model weight is kept for the 5 training, the weight is not reiniaitaized at each training, making the test accuracies higher. In the previous results, the code is correct, so the accuracy is lower. I adjusted the channel size of the PCBMTL model. I trained the PCBMTL model on the PCBSPDefect bdip dataset with train:val:test 20:20:20 split ratio, the training set is further reduced by 2% incrementally down to 10% while keeping the validation and test sets unchanged. Each result is an average of 5 training results."check grammar, but it shorter and more concise.
answer:"I reviewed the code for the PCBMTL model from semester 1 and found a bug: the model weights were not reinitialized for each of the 5 training sessions, leading to artificially high test accuracies. Unlike the previous results where the code was correct and accuracies lower, I also adjusted the PCBMTL model's channel size. The model was trained on the PCBSPDefect bdip dataset with a 20:20:20 split for training, validation, and testing, respectively. The training set size was incrementally reduced by 2% down to 10%, maintaining the size of validation and test sets. Results represent the average of 5 training sessions."